xx February 2025
The Dutch full-text historical newspapers, books and periodicals archive Delpher is a frequently used source in Dutch Wikipedia. In this article, we will examine how often Delpher is referred to and from which Wikipedia articles. We will also discover which pages in Delpher are cited most often. Finally, we will search for articles that are entirely or largely based on Delpher. (This article is in Dutch)
31 January 2025
The Digital Library for Dutch Literature (DBNL) is a frequently used source in Dutch Wikipedia. In this article, we will examine how often DBNL is referred to and from which Wikipedia articles. We will also discover which pages in DBNL are cited most often. Finally, we will search for articles that are entirely or largely based on DBNL. (This article is in Dutch)
24 January 2024
A year ago I wrote an extensive article about three related indicators that showed the reuse and public reach of KB collection images via Wikipedia in a historical perspective (2013-2022). This article showed that Wikipedia is a very effective way to make images from our (heritage) collections visible all over the world. It also showed that over the years our collection images have gained steadily growing global audiences. At the beginning of January 2024, we measured these three indicators again, this time covering the year 2023. In this article we share the results and insights from these measurements.
29 December 2022
Wikipedia is a very effective channel to globally improve the findability, visibility and reusability of images from the heritage collections of the KB. This article will illustrate this, based on three reuse indicators (KPIs) that the KB measured in December 2022. It will also show that during the period 2013-2022 our KB collections have reached ever-increasing global audiences.
20 December 2022
The KB regularly uploads images from its heritage collections - atlases, medieval manuscripts, friendship books, picture books, etc - to Wikimedia Commons. This open media repository is used by the writers of Wikipedia for illustrating articles. In this article I discuss this type of reuse of KB collections, and how it helps to increase their public outreach. If you are interested in the exact (and highly diverse) Wikipedia articles illustated by KB images, please check out the overview at the bottom of this article.
21 May 2020
This article illustrates an approach to detect Wikipedia articles whose contents are fully or largely based on content from a single online source, such as a full-text digitized newspaper archive or a digital text library. Using Dutch Wikipedia we’ll track down 247 articles that owe their existence to Delpher and DBNL, two full-text collections operated by the KB, the national library of the Netherlands.
In mei 2015 heeft de Koninklijke Bibliotheek i.s.m. de Wikipedia-gemeenschap 250 historische afbeeldingen van Nederlandse vogels aan Wikimedia Commons gedoneerd. Het ging hierbij om de afbeeldingen uit (de 5 delen van) het boek Nederlandsche Vogelen (1770-1829) uit de collectie van de KB. In de maanden na de beelddonatie hebben redacteuren van Wikipedia de vogelafbeeldingen in vele artikelen verwerkt. Dit heeft geleid tot een enorme vergroting (meer dan 100x) van de zichtbaarheid van deze erfgoedcollectie, ook buiten Nederland, zoals deze impactmeting over het jaar 2016 laat zien.