Creates a datestamped HTML report and a corresponding Excel file listing all Wikipedia articles (in all languages) in which (one or more) images from a given category tree on Wikimedia Commons are used.

Latest update: 15 March 2025

What does it do?

This repo creates datestamped HTML reports with corresponding Excel files listing all Wikipedia articles (in all languages) in which (one or more) images/media from a given category tree on Wikimedia Commons are used.

Quick example

Here is quick example of such an HTML report and its corresponding Excel file for images from the collection of the KB, national library of the Netherlands. It is datestamped 04-09-2024.

What problem does it solve?

The KB uses the ‘classical’ GLAMorous tool to measure the use of KB media files (as stored in Wikimedia Commons) in Wikipedia articles. This tool reports 4 things:

Please note: ‘Total image usages’ does NOT equal the number of unique Wikipedia articles! A single unique image can illustrate multiple unique articles, and/or the other way around, 1 unique article can contain multiple distinct images. In other words: images-articles have many-to-many relationships.

What was still missing were functionalities to create

Bulk/group functionalities:

That is why we developed the GLAMorousToHTML tool. It takes the XML-output of the GLAMorous tool and processes that data into HTML reports and Excel files.

GLAM reports

The GLAMorousToHTML tool has so for produced GLAM reports for the following heritage institutions, countries and regions:

When interpreting these reports, take note of


Technical notes

The technical notes give more info about

  1. The structure of the this repo, its files and folders
  2. Short description of their functions
  3. How to run this repo yourself
  4. Change log
  5. Features to be added

Please note that his page is still under construction and is therefore messy and incomplete.


All original materials in this repo, expect for the flags, logos and publications are released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license, effectively donating all original content to the public domain.

For the publications listed above : see each article for its exact licensing condition.


This tool is developed and maintained by Olaf Janssen, Wikimedia coordinator @KB, national library of the Netherlands. You can find his contact details on his KB expert page or via his Wikimedia user page.

If you are interested in getting reports for your own GLAM institution, please send me a message.